So I have been hearing all of these things about this new thingy called Muxtape, which is essentially web mixtape. The idea is fantastic and the implementation is uncomplicated and well done. I decided to give it a try with a few songs that I have on my work computer (since that's all I can get to right now) but I plan to add to it later on. The best thing about it is that you can share it with whoever, like a real tape minus the walkman, and you can pick thru (<--why cant we spell "through" like this? I've always thought (damn, there's another one) words with the "ough" thing were stupid anyway.) other people's mixes and discover some good stuff. Maybe you'll ruin a hipster's day and listen to their music and force them to create a new mix so they can stay on top of their I-listen-to-music-that-no-one-else-has-heard-of tactics. Burn. Speaking of good music on teh webz, I found a great site that puts forth a great little sampling of new and interesting music on a fairly regular basis called Said The Gramophone. Not all of it is my taste but every once in a while I'll find something that is to my liking like this fella I have been listening to lately.

OH BY THE WAY, my work has decided to block all things interesting i.e. YouTube, Facebook, Gmail, etc. (and every proxy site, apparently), seriously guys, I will find something else to keep me from doing work.



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